Jair Garcia
Jair Amisadai García Oliver, was born on August 16 1994 at Poza Rica, Veracruz Mexico.
Started undergraduate studies in Music Education in 2012 and concluded them in
2018, during undergraduate studies, Jair started taking trumpet lessons with Alonso Armenta. Jair was part of the University Orchestra, University Band, and Brass Ensemble (assistant director year 2017 - 2018). He also had the opportunity to record 2 CDs with the brass ensemble, and the EMUM 5 brass quintet recorded one CD during the 2016 tour of southern California, He was also a trumpet teacher at the CIMUM academy for the same university (2017-2018).
In the fall of 2018, he came to La Sierra University to study Performance Certificate in trumpet with Dr. Robert Schaer.